Artwork by Paul Hammond


The inaugural Data Mishaps Night took place at 7pm CST on Friday, Feb 5th 2021. We had over 250 attendees and 16 presenters participate in a magical night of shared data mistakes and learnings.

2021 Themes

In 2021, we had four main themes for the data mistakes: “The Forest and the Trees”, “Too Good to Be True”, “Unchecked Assumptions” and “The Classics”.

The Forest and the Trees

When we get so lost in the details, that we forget to take a step back and look at the the big picture.

Ghazal Gulati
Data Strategy

Susan VanderPlas
Assistant Professor

Daniel Mintz
Outbound PM (former data analyst)

Gwynn Sturdevant
Post-doctoral Fellow

Too Good to Be True

When you’ve solved the problem and are in awe of your own brilliance, but are in for a rude awakening.

Randy Au
Quantitative UX Researcher
Aaron Richter
Senior Data Scientist

Unchecked Assumptions

When you’ve done a brilliant data project, but you missed a fundamental piece of information.

Danielle Oberdier

Nick Benthem
Data Engineer

Susan Buchman

The Classics

We’ve all been through the classics: NA’s, incorrect joins, strings as factors and a multitude of other “face palm” type errors.

Scar Kelsey
Data Analyst

Wendy Grus
Lead Data Analyst

Aaron Horowitz
Chief Data Scientist